Sunday, October 20, 2019

buy custom Pollution, Global Warming and Marine Environment

buy custom Pollution, Global Warming and Marine Environment The Negative Effects of Pollution and Global Warming on Marine Environment Introduction Currently, the problem of pollution of water bodies (rivers, lakes, seas, ground waters, etc.) is the most relevant since everyone knows the phrase water is life. People cannot live more than three days without water, but they still continue to rigidly exploit water objects, irrevocably altering their natural mode with discharges and wastes, even understanding the importance of water to human life. The water cycle has become disrupted with the development of civilization. Evaporation from land has increased as a result of crop irrigation. Rivers of southern areas became shallow. Pollution of the oceans and appearance of an oil film on their surface reduced the amount of water evaporated from their surface. All of this degrades the water supply of the biosphere. Today, water suitable for drinking, irrigation and industrial production is lacking in many parts of the world. Therefore, the problem of marine environment pollution is of critical importance in the modern world.

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